Monday, February 22, 2010

Messages from Milan: Rain & a Rainbow

The weather here, for the past several weeks; actually, almost our entire stay so far, has been rainy and cloudy. We rejoiced the other day when we enjoyed an afternoon of sunshine! It felt so good to feel the sun and have a clear day. We spent the whole day outside exploring. “Yes! I love this! Finally the sun on my face, it makes me feel good!” The next two days after… rain!

I guess I spoke too soon but on our sunny day without rain we were able to enjoy Carnevale! Carnival is a traditional celebration: much like Halloween or even Mardi Gras, all the kids dress up and play in the streets. The Duomo was swarmed, literally mobbed with thousands and thousands of people in costumes, throwing confetti, and spraying silly string. Every night Restaurants, Bars, and Cafés open their doors and host parties. There are bands playing, people singing and dancing, great food and drinks, and great company. The monotony of the Metro is even interrupted with people playing instruments and entertaining the people on the tram. For Carnival the town freezes and everyone celebrates.

Something about Carnival makes you feel like a kid again. Although Brock and I did not dress up, we attended several “dress up” functions where people were in customs embracing this tradition. We enjoyed the company of our American friends at Fiori Oscuri where even we felt like the Carnival bug might have crawled up and bit us. I danced with a man in a Monkey costume, Brock sat next to a woman dressed as a Bunch of Grapes, we laughed and laughed, and we felt for a brief moment that we were Italian!

Brock and I have both been battling colds because of the weather and it probably hasn’t helped that it was Carnival weekend either because we stayed out late more than we probably should have… but it was Carnevale! Despite the rain, we had a little bit of sunshine and we look forward to the warmer weather that is desperately trying to make an appearance. This weekend is our trip to Florence with the Kramers (the American Offensive Line Coach and his wife). So after every bad rain storm there is a rainbow, ours: Florence.

The kids were so cute in their costumes! Girls were dressed up as Princesses and little boys as knights, warriors, and Spiderman and Batman. When Brock saw Batman eating a Gelato he said: "SEE...even Batman needs a break for a Gelato!"

The Grim Reaper and the Surgeon... best costume I think I saw. The Duomo looked beautiful that day. Notice the mob of people too.

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