Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Messages From Milan: Flights & First Impressions

We are finally here safely and we are slightly...scratch that...EXTREMELY exhausted! Overall, between our two flights it took us over 13 hours to get to Milan. Our flights went smoothly, and I was almost surprised...we're Smith's and it is not unheard of for us to have "bad luck." We didn't sleep on our flights however, so we were running on "low" when we landed. After we arrived in Milan we were immediately thrown into this new culture we would be living in for the next 5 months. We saw the words "USCITA" and an arrow pointing in a certain direction and people walking that way, so we followed. It led us to customs, where our passports were checked, and we were quickly sent through to baggage claim. "Holy moly Brocky, this has just been too easy." I realized I spoke to soon when he can over to where I was standing with only 3 suitecases when I know we had 4. Brocky gave me that, "Oh hunny what I'm about to say might upset you" look. All our bags made it through...expect...the one with my SHOES! I thought, "Of course God! Ok, Ok I learned my lesson." But we quickly realized that it wasn't just my shoes that were missing but our winter coats were missing as well...it was FREEZING outside!

Alessio, the owner of the team was waiting for us at the airport with his friend Guito. They were so thrilled and beyond excited to have their "QB" here. They apologized over and over again for our missing bag. Our car ride from the airport took about an hour to our apartment. Brock and I were so anxious to get to our apartment, unload all of our "overweight" luggage, and lay down! We pulled up to our apartment and it was exactly what you would picture when you imagine an Italian place. Our apartment has a balcony that over looks a courtyard filled with flowers. They decorated it so wonderfully and we just couldn't wait to make it our home for the next 5 months. Once we set all of our things down, Alessio looked at us and said: "Alright, now we go!" He majored in History and he took us on a massive and extensive tour of Milano! We saw beautiful architecture, the Piazza Duomo, and some many breath taking Cathedrals. Unfortunately Brock and I were so tried we were unable to really take in everything we were seeing.

After our run around the city, we came back to the apartment around 4:30pm. Alessio informed us that we should rest up for the party tonight and that a car will be here to pick us up at 8pm. We took our nap and freshened up, the car came and took us to this very nice and very expensive "Restoriante." There was a long table and coaches and players from the team were there. This was the very first experience of the true Italiano culture. Alessio ordered the food for all of us in Italian so we were uncertain of what would be arriving at the table. Wine and bread was brought out to us right away and very shortly Brock and I had a very large, whole pizza placed right in front of us. A PIZZA EACH! This was our first course, followed by our second course of T-Bone steak with more wine, our third, pastas and meat with more wine, and finally, our fourth course, dessert; Tiramisu for me and chocolate cake for Brock and of course, a sweet dessert wine. Each time new wine was brought to the table you raised your glasses and "Chin Chin", which means cheers, to each and every person at the table and you must look each person in the eyes.

Dinner lasted 3 1/2 hours. It was a true example of the Italian's laid back life style. We enjoyed everyone's company, even though we did not understand what they were saying in Italian. After dinner the players invited Brock and I out. We went to a Bistro Cafe a few blocks away. It was nice to hang out with the players, it was just like being with any group of football guys, we just didn't know what they were saying. When we left we were parted with "Ciao!" "Arrivederci!" "Ci vediamo domani!" "E stato un piacere incontrarla!" "Bye! Goodbye! See you tomorrow! It was nice to meet you!" We truly felt welcomed.

We finally arrived home. 30 total hours of no sleep. We laid in bed and just laughed. Brocky rolled over and said: "We really need to learn Italian." It was then when we realized that we would not be able to comprehend the adventures we would encounter.

Thank you for reading this long blog.
I can't wait to tell you all about our funny mini adventures Brock and I have.
Below are just a few pictures so far. We will post up more!
Leave us your thoughts!

Brocky at the Airport right before we got on our LONG flight to Milan.

My teeth were brushed, my face was washed, and fresh new make up was put on my face and I still look exhausted! Brock kept asking me: "Are you excited we did this? Are you happy? Do you want to still live in Milan?" My response: "We're already on the plane, I have no choice now!" :]

The view from our plane of the Swiss Alps.

Brocky and I all ready for our first night out with the players and coaches.

1 comment:

  1. OMG!! I enjoyed this post. I'm in tears of joy for the two of you not too mention a wee bit envious! What a whirlwind of a trip. Please, please post pics of your new home ~ I'd love to see that garden. Love ya guys!! Ciao!
