Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Birthday Boy

This past Friday, we celebrated Brock’s 23rd birthday! Now, birthdays, with me, become a week long event. So, we celebrated Brock’s birthday week! Each day he received a little something and the presents became “greater” as it got closer to his birthday. Day 1, Snickers Ice cream bar (Brock’s favorite), Day 2, Funfetti Cookies (also Brock’s favorite), Day 3 a date at the beach, Day 4 I cooked Brock’s favorite dinner and my sister and I made him homemade Boston Crème Pie and we “pampered” him while watching girl movies (okay, that could have been for our selfish pleasure but he had fun), and Day 5 (HIS ACTUAL BIRTHDAY) he was picked up in a black Mustang Convertible by our dear friends and we went to a great Italian Restaurant for dinner.

Thank you Lord for creating my wonderful husband 23 years ago, and for putting him in my life. He is a wonderful man and a wonderful husband. Happy Birthday Brocky, I love you and thank you for spending the day with me. I know it was your birthday, but I got the best gift of all, you!

“…I have every hope that our plans and dreams will come true. But I know that whatever our future may bring, I will be happy because I am with you.” – his birthday card from me.

1 comment:

  1. мне очень нравится ваш блог , такой теплый :) всегда хочется к вам заходить
