Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hi! It's Us Again!

I apologize for taking so long to write a blog post. But I must admit, the adventurous Italian couple we were previously in our blog, have taken on a new life……. (but we still are adventurous)!

My adventures begin at 5:30 am, when I leave for school to begin my preparations for my lessons. The highlight of my morning is at 8:20 am when my Busy Bees “buzz” into our classroom to start their day. I am filled with joy when I hear my Second Graders’ stories of playing on the playground, losing a tooth, and finding a frog outside our room. I never know what my day may bring, but I do know, that every morning we start our day, proclaiming that we will “Bee the very best we can Bee.”

Brock’s adventures start early too; with his morning workout and devotions and greeting his players as they enter the school. When the bell rings, he never knows how long it will take for the first rule violator to arrive in his room. But the passion of his profession beings after school, where he meets his Receivers on the field for football practice. He enjoys hearing the stories of girlfriends and love interests, problems of homework and teachers, and complaints of complicated and difficult plays/ schemes they need to master before their big game.

We are so happy in our new roles; both of us teachers, coaches, and teammates. We rush home at the end of our busy day, eager to share our stories of our kids. The kids, that after just one week, mean so much to us. It’s fall again and we’re ‘Back to School’ and back to the ‘grind’ of football season. It’s a busy life, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.